Should I Hire A Buyer’s Agent?

09/16/2024 Dave Gooden

In today’s real estate market, the decision to hire a buyer’s agent has become increasingly significant, especially with recent industry changes. A seasoned Realtor, who primarily works as a listing agent and handles over 110 transactions per year, recently shared insights into this topic. With roughly $20 million in annual sales, and about 80% of the transactions focusing on sellers, they encounter numerous first-time buyers. In the last 30 days, they have dealt with unrepresented buyers, which has highlighted the risks and challenges these individuals face when attempting to purchase a home without professional guidance. This article explores why hiring a buyer’s agent is essential, particularly for those unfamiliar with the complexities of real estate transactions.

The Realtor’s Approach to Representation

As a listing agent, this Realtor emphasizes the importance of representing the seller’s interests fully. They have chosen not to act as a dual agent in any transaction to ensure that they can advocate solely for the seller, who is responsible for paying their commission. To accommodate different scenarios, they offer two commission rates: one for listing a property and another for situations where they must handle an unrepresented buyer’s ministerial duties, such as processing paperwork and overseeing the transaction.

In their first experience with an unrepresented buyer, the Realtor saw many potential issues arise. The process started smoothly, with their transaction coordinator sending out key deadlines to all parties involved. However, as the buyer was unrepresented, they were left to navigate the details independently. This led to several challenges, which serve as cautionary examples for other buyers who might consider forgoing a buyer’s agent.

Challenges Unrepresented Buyers Face

One of the biggest issues the Realtor encountered with the unrepresented buyer was an imbalance in the contract negotiation. The buyer, eager to move quickly and interested in the property, revealed they were pre-approved for an amount significantly higher than the purchase price. As a result, the seller’s counteroffer at full price, with no closing costs, was accepted immediately without any pushback. This situation highlighted the importance of having a buyer’s agent, who would have likely negotiated better terms.

Additionally, the unrepresented buyer made several mistakes, such as missing the earnest money deposit deadline by three days. Though the seller could have canceled the contract, they granted an extension. This error could have easily been avoided had the buyer had an agent to guide them through the deadlines and processes.

The buyer also neglected several important inspections, such as for the septic system, well, gas, termite, and radon. By bypassing these inspections, the buyer missed critical opportunities to address any potential issues, which could have impacted the value and condition of the property. Furthermore, they failed to order a survey or include a homeowner’s association (HOA) rider, oversights that could lead to significant complications down the line.

One notable point was the buyer’s failure to address the fact that the roof only had a few years of life left, missing an opportunity to negotiate for repairs or a credit. These cumulative mistakes far outweighed the 2.5% to 3% savings the buyer might have achieved by not hiring an agent. In reality, the buyer’s missteps likely cost them more than the commission savings, underscoring the value of having a knowledgeable professional on their side.

The Seller’s Advantage with Unrepresented Buyers

From the seller’s perspective, the situation worked out well. Since the seller was initially prepared to cover the buyer’s agent’s commission, they ended up saving about 1.5% by dealing with an unrepresented buyer. However, while this arrangement didn’t result in significant extra work for the Realtor, it did introduce additional liability. This situation could easily have turned contentious if the buyer had become disgruntled, especially when they missed deadlines or failed to address critical inspection findings.

The Realtor expressed concerns about future transactions involving unrepresented buyers. If a similar scenario occurs where a buyer misses a deadline or fails to negotiate after an inspection, the buyer could potentially become upset, despite the Realtor’s legal obligation to represent only the seller’s interests. These concerns underscore the risk of lawsuits or conflicts arising when buyers are not properly represented.

Why Hiring a Buyer’s Agent Is Crucial

In reflecting on these experiences, the Realtor strongly advocates for buyers – especially first-time buyers – to hire a competent agent. A buyer’s agent provides much more than simply unlocking doors. They offer fiduciary representation, ensuring that the buyer’s interests are protected throughout the process. Without this guidance, buyers risk making costly errors that can result in financial losses far greater than the agent’s commission.

Many unrepresented buyers may believe they can navigate the process on their own or that they can save money by not hiring an agent. However, the reality is that without an experienced professional, buyers often miss important steps, such as conducting proper inspections, negotiating for necessary repairs or credits, and meeting crucial deadlines. The absence of professional advice in what is likely the biggest financial transaction of their lives can have serious repercussions.

While it is true that sellers can save on commission costs when working with unrepresented buyers, this doesn’t translate into savings for the buyer. In fact, sellers may end up making more money in these situations, as buyers without agents are less likely to negotiate effectively or even recognize areas where they could ask for concessions. The end result is that the buyer’s attempt to save money often leads to overpaying for the property or incurring significant post-sale expenses for repairs and other issues.

Final Thoughts

For anyone considering buying a home – particularly first-time buyers – it is clear that hiring a buyer’s agent is a wise decision. As seen through the experiences of this Realtor, unrepresented buyers often face numerous challenges, make avoidable mistakes, and leave money on the table. While going without an agent may seem like a way to save on commissions, the potential risks and financial costs far outweigh the perceived benefits.

A buyer’s agent does much more than open doors – they provide essential advice, negotiation skills, and representation that can make the difference between a smooth transaction and a costly mistake. In the complex world of real estate, having a professional advocate on your side is invaluable, and the peace of mind it brings is well worth the investment.

David Gooden | Eden Prairie Realtor
