Moving from California to Minnesota

09/04/2024 Dave Gooden

When people hear that someone has moved from California to Minnesota, the common response is often one of surprise, tinged with curiosity: “Why would you move here?” This reaction reflects the common perception of California as a state of golden beaches, mild weather, and endless opportunities, while Minnesota is often seen as a frigid, snow-covered land. However, there are many reasons why individuals and families are choosing to leave California behind in favor of Minnesota, particularly as remote work has made location more flexible for many.

For those making the move, the benefits are numerous, from affordability and homeownership opportunities to a unique lifestyle grounded in the natural beauty of Minnesota’s landscapes. The contrast between the two states may seem stark, but many find themselves falling in love with Minnesota’s charm after just a few months.

The Motivation for Moving

One of the driving forces behind moving from California to Minnesota is the cost of living. California’s real estate market has become prohibitively expensive, especially in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. For many, the dream of owning a home in California has become increasingly unrealistic. In Minnesota, the cost of housing is significantly lower, and individuals who once thought homeownership was out of reach find that they can afford to purchase a house and enjoy a higher quality of life. This is a major factor behind why people are opting to move away from California’s competitive real estate market.

Moreover, the rise of remote work has allowed many to reconsider where they live. With the freedom to work from anywhere, the appeal of Minnesota becomes clear. The state offers a lower cost of living, shorter commutes, and the ability to live near nature, all without sacrificing career opportunities. While the West Coast may offer its own attractions, the chance to escape California’s high prices, traffic congestion, and fast-paced lifestyle is an appealing prospect for many.

Discovering Minnesota’s Beauty

Moving from California to Minnesota introduces many newcomers to the state’s unexpected natural beauty. While California is known for its diverse landscapes, Minnesota has its own unique charm, particularly in its lakes and forests. The state is famous for its 10,000 lakes, which offer endless recreational opportunities, from boating and fishing in the summer to ice skating and snowshoeing in the winter.

Minnesota’s four distinct seasons provide a contrast to California’s more temperate climate. Spring brings a burst of greenery as trees and flowers come back to life after the winter. Summer is lush and vibrant, perfect for outdoor activities. Fall is particularly stunning in Minnesota, with its brilliant display of red, orange, and yellow leaves transforming the forests. Finally, winter covers the state in a blanket of snow, creating a peaceful, serene landscape.

For many newcomers, seeing snow for the first time is a magical experience. The transition from the mild winters of California to Minnesota’s snow-covered landscapes is dramatic, but many find themselves drawn to the beauty and quiet that winter brings. Wildlife, such as cardinals, blue jays, and robins, is abundant, and the iconic loon—Minnesota’s state bird—can be spotted on the many lakes throughout the state.

Embracing the Minnesota Lifestyle

The lifestyle change when moving from California to Minnesota is significant. The state is known for its sense of community and friendliness, often referred to as “Minnesota Nice.” Neighbors greet each other, small talk is a common occurrence, and people are generally willing to lend a helping hand. This welcoming environment makes it easy for newcomers to feel at home.

Minnesota’s food culture is another pleasant surprise for new residents. While California is renowned for its farm-to-table restaurants and diverse cuisine, Minnesota offers its own culinary delights. One standout is Culver’s, a beloved Midwestern fast-food chain known for its ButterBurgers and frozen custard. Many newcomers quickly develop a fondness for this local favorite, adding it to their list of go-to dining spots. And while Minnesota may not have In-N-Out Burger, it boasts its own rich food scene that combines comfort food with unique local flavors.

As for activities, Minnesota offers year-round outdoor recreation. From hiking and biking in the warmer months to ice fishing and skiing in the winter, there’s no shortage of things to do. Many newcomers to the state are encouraged to embrace winter sports, as they provide an enjoyable way to stay active during the long winters. Ice fishing, snowmobiling, and cross-country skiing are popular pastimes, and for those who prefer a more relaxed approach, winter walks through the parks and forests are equally rewarding.

Preparing for Minnesota’s Winters

Of course, moving from California to Minnesota means adapting to its famously harsh winters. While California winters are mild and snowless, Minnesota’s cold season is long and can be brutal, with temperatures often dipping below freezing. Newcomers quickly learn the importance of investing in proper winter gear—warm coats, boots, gloves, and hats become essential items for daily life.

However, not all winters are created equal. For example, the winter of 2023-2024 was one of the warmest on record in Minnesota, with mild temperatures and less snow than usual. For those who moved to the state during that time, it may have felt like an easy introduction to the typically frigid conditions. Long-time residents, however, were quick to point out that this was not a “real” Minnesota winter.

A real Minnesota winter is marked by heavy snowfalls, bitterly cold temperatures, and extended periods of ice and snow cover. During these months, snow removal becomes a routine task, and owning a snowblower is often considered a necessity. Still, many Minnesotans view winter as an integral part of the state’s charm. It fosters a sense of resilience and brings people together through shared experiences like snow days, winter festivals, and cozying up indoors.

For those moving from California, the adjustment to winter can be challenging, but it’s also a rewarding part of living in Minnesota. The key is to embrace the season and find ways to enjoy it. Many residents recommend taking up winter sports or simply getting outside for fresh air, even on the coldest days. The phrase “there’s no bad weather, only bad clothing” is a common mantra in Minnesota, and it’s one that new arrivals quickly come to appreciate.

Winter Clothing & Footwear

  • Proper Winter Boots: Ensure you have warm, waterproof boots with a minimum of 400G Thinsulate insulation, especially for extended outdoor activities. Different types of boots are needed for various activities.
  • Layers Are Key: Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions. Tuck each layer into the next to retain warmth.
  • Accessories: Hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves are essential, with mittens being warmer than gloves.
  • Winter Coat: Invest in a good quality winter coat, ideally one that covers your waist or knees.

Winter Activities & Adaptation

  • Pick Up a Winter Hobby: Engage in activities such as curling, ice fishing, cross-country skiing, or hockey to avoid dreading winter.
  • Appreciating Minnesota Winters: Embrace winter beauty and outdoor activities like sledding, ice skating, and hiking to make the season enjoyable.
  • Remote Car Starters: Install one to make getting into a warm car during harsh winter months more pleasant.

Winter Driving & Car Preparation

  • Winter Tires: Invest in quality winter tires, such as Blizzaks, for better traction on icy roads.
  • Emergency Winter Kit: Keep an emergency kit in your car with blankets, water, a shovel, kitty litter for traction, and candles for heat in case of breakdowns.
  • Ice Scraper & Snow Shovel: A good-quality scraper with an extension handle and a snow shovel are essential for clearing your car and driveway.
  • Gas Tank: Always keep at least a quarter tank of gas in your car in case of emergencies or breakdowns.

Health & Well-Being

  • Vitamin D: Due to limited sunlight in winter, taking Vitamin D supplements is recommended to combat deficiencies and improve mood.
  • Sunlight: Try to get outside as much as possible to maximize sunlight exposure, which is crucial for mental health during long, dark winters.

Conclusion: Why Minnesota?

So why do people move from California to Minnesota? The answer is simple: opportunity. Minnesota offers an affordable, high-quality lifestyle that is increasingly out of reach in California. With the flexibility of remote work, many are discovering that they can live in a beautiful, welcoming state without sacrificing their careers or quality of life.

Minnesota’s natural beauty, strong sense of community, and distinct four seasons make it an attractive destination for those looking for a change. While the winters may be long, they are balanced by stunning springs, summers, and falls. For those willing to embrace the cold, Minnesota offers a lifestyle rich in outdoor activities, family-friendly communities, and a slower pace that many find refreshing.

In the end, while California will always have its allure, Minnesota holds its own unique charm. And for those who make the move, it doesn’t take long to realize why so many are choosing to call Minnesota home.

David Gooden  |  Twin Cities Relocation
